European Pellet Conference 2021

Organisatörs: OÖ Energiesparverband
Hybrid event: you can join in Wels/Austria or connect digitally from anywhere in the world.

Mark your calendar and join the event, in-person or online!

Different times, a different date: the European Pellet Conference 2021 moves to the summer and will take place on 22 June! This special edition of the annual conference will be held as a hybrid event: you can join in Wels/Austria or connect digitally from anywhere in the world.

Different dates, but same high-relevance content!

Bioenergy for a green recovery – this is the focus of the 2021 conference. Learn and discuss how we can make a green recovery happen in practice and how the pellet sector can profit from this deep transformation.

Mark your calendar and join the event, in-person or online! More information at